Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Dangers of BPA

Lots have been said about the dangers of Bisphenol-A (or BPA) especially in the feeding bottles and cups that our children use. Some have made the switch to BPA-free products while others still do not fully understand what the hoopla over BPA is all about.

The poster below was released by the CANSA (The Cancer Association of South Africa). It describes in pictures the dangers of BPA. Many reputable companies are now manufacturing with BPA-free materials making these products more affordable.

(Click photo to enlarge.)

NUBY is the first complete range of baby products in South Africa endorsed by the CANSA Smart Choice seal.

The United States, Canada, and Europe have long since banned products containing BPA materials from store shelves.

Some mothers will say that they do not use hot water to prepare formula milk so they are not worried about BPA. But using a sterilizer or a bottle warmer allows BPA to leach into our liquids/milk as well.

Adults need to protect themselves as well. Bring your own BPA-free water bottle to work. Think about the times that you left a commercially-bottled water in your parked car and the plastic bottle became soft and seemed warped when you return. Your water had been compromised.

Prevention is key. Be proactive and research before you buy. Do not let low prices, deceiving package labels and sales talk sway you from protecting your children and yourselves from the dangers of BPA.

What is BPA?

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